Francis I. Biography

Francis I

His real name is Jorge Mario Bergogli Sivon. He was born in Buenos Aires(Argentina), on 17th December, 1936. He studied in a Jesuit seminar and he was ordained priest in 1969, no Jesuit priest has ever as pontiff. He was teacher at the faculty of Philosophy and Teology of San Miguel, where he became rector from 1980 to 1986.
In 1992 he was appointed titular bishop of Auca and auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires. He was consacrated as archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998.Pope John Paul II appointed him Cardinal of St. Robert Bellarmine in 2001. He was chairman of the Bishop´s Conference of Argentina from 2005 to 2011. On 13th March 2013, he was elected as the new Pope.papa-francisco-frases-homilia--644x362

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